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    1. Extension Method Documentation

Extension Method Documentation - Jonathan Pryor's web log

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Extension Method Documentation

C# 3.0 adds a new language feature called extension methods. Extension methods allow the "addition" of new instance methods to any type, without modifying the type itself. This is extremely powerful, arguably crack-adled, and exists because Visual Studio users can't do anything without code completion (tongue firmly in cheek).

It's also extremely useful, permitting LINQ and the even more crack-adled thinking in Mono.Rocks (much of which I wrote, and I'm not entirely sure if the "crack" is in jest or not; sometimes I wonder...).

To create an extension method, you first create a static class. A method within the static class is an extension method if the first parameter's type has a this modifier:

static class MyExtensions {
    public static string Implode (this IEnumerable<string> self, string separator)
        return string.Join (separator, self.ToArray ());

Usage is as if it were a normal instance method:

string[] a        = {"This", "is", "my", "sentence."};
string   imploded = a.Implode (" ");
// imploded == "This is my sentence."

Extension methods are entirely syntactic sugar. (Nice syntactic sugar, nonetheless...). As such, it doesn't in any way modify the type that is being extended. Consequently, it cannot access private members, nor is the extension method returned when reflecting over the extended type. For example, typeof(string[]).GetMethod("Implode") will return null, as System.Array doesn't have an Implode method.

Furthermore, extension methods are only available if you have a using declaration for the namespace the extension method type resides in. So if the above MyExtensions type resides in the Example namespace, and a source file doesn't have using Example;, then the Implode extension method isn't available.

Earlier I alluded that Visual Studio users can't do anything without code completion. Extension methods are thus a boon, as they (potentially) make it easier to find new functionality, as no new types need to be introduced or known about in advance. However, you still need to have an appropriate using declaration to bring the methods "in scope," so how does a developer know what namespaces to use? The same way a developer knows which type to use for anything: documentation.

MSDN online documentation has been enhanced to show which extension methods are applicable for a given type, e.g. The extension methods for IEnumerable<T>. Mono has similar documentation support.

This isn't particularly interesting, though. Part of the utility and flexibility is that any type, in any namespace, can be extended with extension methods, and the extension methods themselves can be contained in any type.

Obviously, MSDN and Mono documentation online can't know about extension methods that are not part of the core framework. Thus, if the e.g. Mono.Cecil or Gendarme frameworks provided extension methods, the online documentation sites won't be helpful.

Which brings us to a Mono 2.0 feature (yes, I'm only now announcing a feature that shipped 3 months ago):

Mono Documentation Tools: the Mono Documentation framework has been upgraded to support documenting generics and extension methods.

This support consists of four things:

  1. Enhancing mdoc update to generate an /Overview/ExtensionMethods element within index.xml. The /Overview/ExtensionMethods element contains <ExtensionMethod/> elements which in turn contains //Targets/Target elements specifying which types the extension method is an instance method on, and a <Member/> element which is a subset of the actual extension method documentation. Developers don't need to edit this copy; it's handled entirely by mdoc update.
  2. Enhancing mdoc assemble to look for the //ExtensionMethod elements and insert them into the ExtensionMethods.xml file within the generated .zip file.
  3. Enhancing the XML documentation to HTML generation process so that the extension methods are listed. This allows all of monodoc and mod, online documentation, and mdoc export-html to use the underlying infrastructure.
  4. Enhance monodoc.dll to load all ExtensionMethods.xml files from all installed .zip files. This the allows monodoc and online documentation mechanisms to show extension methods for all installed documentation sources.

The short of it is that this requires no workflow change to get extension methods listed on all extended types. Just create extension methods, document them as if they were normal static methods (as they are normal static methods, and can be invoked as such), assemble the documentation, and install the documentation.

There is one wrinkle, though: since the index.xml file contains a subset of the <Member/> documentation, you need to rerun mdoc update after editing extension method documentation so that index.xml will have the correct documentation when mdoc assemble is run. Otherwise the "summary" extension method documentation may differ from the actual intended documentation. This may be improved in a future release.

Posted on 25 Jan 2009 | Path: /development/mono/ | Permalink
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