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  1. Assembling Documentation with mdoc - Jonathan Pryor's web log
    1. Assembling Documentation with mdoc

Assembling Documentation with mdoc - Jonathan Pryor's web log

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Assembling Documentation with mdoc

We previously discussed exporting the mdoc repository into static HTML files using mdoc export-html and into a Microsoft XML Documentation file with mdoc export-msxdoc. Today, we'll discuss exporting documentation with mdoc assemble.

mdoc assemble is used to assemble documentation for use with the monodoc Documentation browser and the ASP.NET front-end. This involves the following steps:

  1. Running mdoc assemble.
  2. Writing a .source file.
  3. Installing the files.

Unfortunately we're taking a diversion from the Windows world, as the monodoc browser and the ASP.NET front-end won't run under Windows (due to limitations in the monodoc infrastructure). I will attempt to fix these limitations in the future.

Running mdoc assemble: mdoc assemble has three arguments of interest:

For our current documentation, we would run:

$ mdoc assemble -o Demo Documentation/

This will create the files Demo.tree and in the current working directory.

The .source file is used to tell the documentation browser where in the tree the documentation should be inserted. It's an XML file that contains two things: a (set of) /monodoc///node elements describing where in the tree the documentation should be inserted, and /monodoc/source elements which specify the files to use. For example:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
  <node label="Demo Library" name="Demo-lib" parent="libraries" />
  <source provider="ecma" basefile="Demo" path="Demo-lib"/>

The /monodoc/node element describes where in the monodoc tree the documentation should be placed. It has three attributes, two of which are required:

The /monodoc/source element describes what file basename to use when looking for the .tree and .zip files. (By convention the .source, .tree, and .zip files share the same basename, but this is not required. The .tree and .zip files must share the same basename, but the .source basename may differ, and will differ if e.g. one .source file pulls in several .tree/.zip pairs.) It has three attributes, all of which are required:

Installing the files. Files need to be installed into $prefix/lib/monodoc/sources. You can obtain this directory with pkg-config(1):

$ cp Demo.source Demo.tree \
    `pkg-config monodoc --variable=sourcesdir`

Now when we run monodoc, we can navigate to the documentation that was just installed:

ObjectCoda.With() documentation inside monodoc.

Additionally, those paying attention on January 10 will have noticed that the With() method we documented is an extension method. Monodoc supports displaying extension methods on the relevant type documentation. In this case, With() is an extension on TSource, which is, for all intents and purposes, System.Object. Thus, if we view the System.Object docs within our local monodoc browser, we will see the With() extension method:

System.Object extension methods -- notice With() is listed.

In fact, we will see With() listed as an extension method on all types (which is arguably a bug, as static types can't have instance methods...).

Furthermore, mdoc export-html will also list extension methods. However, mdoc export-html is far more limited: it will only look for extension methods within the mdoc repositories being processing, and it will only list those methods as extension methods on types within the mdoc repository. Consequently, mdoc export-html will not list e.g. IEnumerable<T> extension methods on types that implement IEnumerable<T>. (It simply lacks the information to do so.)

Examples of mdoc export-html listings of extension methods can be found in the mdoc unit tests and the Cadenza.Collections.CachedSequence<T> docs (which lists a million extension methods because Cadenza.Collections.EnumerableCoda contains a million extension methods on IEnumerable<T>).

Next time, we'll discuss setting up the ASP.NET front end under Linux.

Posted on 13 Jan 2010 | Path: /development/mono/mdoc/ | Permalink
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